A Love from The Twig - a little box of fresh flowers sure to please!
The Twig
Need a little cheering up? A Lovie from The Twig could just fit the bill.))) We could all use a bit of cheer during these uncertain times amid the Coronavirus pandemic.
We're all hopeful and praying that this will pass soon and we'll begin to see brighter days. Until that time, we have to be steadfast, be safe, not panic and support each other.
If you live in Pontotoc, MS or the immediate surrounding area, Rachel at Trendy Tree can put together for you a little Lovie of fresh flowers. It's only $15 and a perfect little happy gift to let someone know you care about them.
The Lovie comes in a glass vase inside a pretty little square box with The Twig label on the front.
The Twig is a branch of Trendy Tree. It's our floral business inside the Trendy Tree retail store in Pontotoc. You can read more about The Twig here:
The Shop Around the Corner? No...It's Trendy Tree!

A little touch of ribbon adds a bit of color and personal touch. The flowers will be whatever Rachel pulls out of the cooler, but you will be pleased for sure. Ribbons are one thing we have plenty of at Trendy Tree. Literally hundreds and hundreds of styles to choose from. You can browse our ribbon on the website here:
If you had rather show off your flowers in the vase, it's pretty too!

S0, keep The Twig in mind when you need a little bit of cheer during these difficult days. Get a Lovie, fresh flowers in a box, for a friend and pick up one for yourself too! We all need a little TLC right now.
You don't even have to come into the store. Just call The Twig at 662-200-2718 and they will run it out to you or deliver.
City Mercantile
Mother's Day will be arriving soon and here's some ideas for a special gift from City Mercantile, also a branch of Trendy Tree.
Annieglass for Mother's Day
Spring Florals
Want to make some beautiful floral arrangements yourself? We have so many beautiful spring flowers to shop from! Here's just a smidgen of silk flowers that we have shown in the Trendy Tree retail store. There are many more to choose from on the website.
Spring Florals Video